Sunday 27 February 2011

Progress so far...

Today we focused on filming narrative shots, like planned we came into school out of school hours and stayed for a few hours. We filmed a few scences of me acting angry around the school, multiple shots of me throwing paper off of the balcony, both from above and below angles. We had a problem with the paper not falling properly at first so after a few attempts we found that scrunching the paper slightly and separating the papers they would fall alot better.

We had planned to film me kicking a locker as I walk past but when we came to filming we found a small plastic bin that we also tested with filming me kicking it over, we thoguht that this looked alot better than using the locker. We did several shots of me kicking it over and from different angles.

We asked to borrow a students locker so that we could borrow his key to open it and film me hitting it closed for a different type of shot, we got a few shots of this but we didn't really like the outcome, we will have to look over it when editing to decide if we want to use the footage.

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