Tuesday 1 February 2011

Choosing A Genre

To help us decide what genre to choose we analysed a few genres, we brainstormed each genre making note of the common conventions of each one. This will allow us to see what they involved and what we think would be the most effective for us to make ourselves. Also we need to look at what we have the resources to be able to achieve.
  • Girls/ sexy/ in underwear/ tracksuits/ chavs
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Money
  • Low budget
  • Locations/ walls covered in graffiti/ subway/ town
  • Dark lighting/ lots of shadows
  • Low angle shots/ intimidation
  • Hoodys

  • Locations/ Parks/ town/ library/ detention/ bowling alley
  • Romance/ boy and girl
  • Younger people
  • Send out a good message
  • Shot types/ match on action/ split screen/ cuts/ fish eye
  • Bright colours/ glitter/ balloons
  • Energetic
  • Friends

  • Set on a stage
  • Filmed as though live
  • Spot lights
  • Short duration shots
  • Dark colours
  • Loud
  • Camera always moving/ keeps up with tempo
  • Head banging/ long hair
  • Energetic/ jumping around
  • Low angles/ importance

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