Wednesday 2 February 2011

Researching Genres

After talking about genres, pop was one that stood out to all of us. We decided to research more into it, looking at some existing videos, this is because us as a group are interested in pop music and also from the general analysis of what it involves we thought this sounded the most practical for us. We chose to look at:

Taylor Swift (You Belong With Me)
Jessie J (Who's Laughing Now?)
The Saturdays (Ego)
Pink (Perfect, So What, Stupid Girls)

These are four successful selling pop artists and also are all girls. It was important to choose successful artists as their videos will be well made and they will have made multiple videos and therefore have experience. We also chose to look at all girl artists because our group is all girls, it is more practical and convenient for us to use us in our videos rather than having to find and depend on a boy throughout our whole project.

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